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Amy Cox



I am proud to be WCC because I feel that I am now a great asset and resource for my hospital and co workers.


Theresa DobbinRN BSN WCC CCRNI am proud to be a WCC because I can make a difference in a patient’s life. I take what I learn and apply it to my work with my patients!
Lillie MercadoRN WCC


After receiving news that I passed, I got this overwhelming feeling of completion.  It is exciting starting this new path in life, I love helping patients being able to assess and follow the patient throughout his or her journey really does give you this sense of being a nurse”.  In my new role as WCC RN many new doors have open. I am honored and in aaaa with my new role!”

Jessica  VanzantRN, WCC


I’m proud to be associated with such a distinguished group of professionals. Being certified has helped me achieve both professional and financial gain as a wound nurse manager and consultant.

Amanda WadeRN WCC


I’m proud to be WCC because I have the knowledge and training to provide clinically appropriate wound care for my patients!  I’m able to confidently make product recommendations and wound assessments on all types of wounds.  I have the respect of my peers and tons of insight to share!  I love being wound care certified!

Stephanie LeeRN WCC


Obtaining my WCC confirmed my knowledge in wound care.  I am proud to provide the best wound care possible to all of my patients.  Having my WCC lets others know I have the knowledge necessary to provide excellent care.

linda  wilsonWCC, OMS, CWS


I am proud to be WCC because it is a peer driven group that uses evidence based wound care with measurable results


Laurie Jansson-Didyk




Verifies my competency in wound care!

Theresa LearstRN/WCC


I am very proud to be WCC because these initials have proven how hard I have worked and given me the confidence to assure my patients that I will provide, to the best of my abilities, the absolute best care possible.

Stephanie CassellRN,WCN


I’m proud because I can offer my patients my expertise and make their healing a great experience.

Lee JohnsonRN, BSN, WCC


After becoming WCC and completing the program I feel much more confident and knowledgable about wound care. I live in a rural area and feel that this knowledge is very helpful to our community.

Jennifer DaponteRN, ADNS, WCCTo share my knowledge with my co-workers, to educate and mentor them to be advocates for wound care for our patients.
Debbie StormsBSN, RN, WCC


I feel I can really make a difference in people’s by speeding their recovery time, reducing their anxiety and easing their suffering.   It is an honor to tell others I’m WCC!  Many physicians ask me for my opinion about how to treat a wound and even recognize what kind of wound someone may have.  I love being WCC as I love wounds! (And people, too, of course)

Pat MontyRN, WCC


I am proud to be WCC because I know I am providing evidence based wound care for patients with both chronic and acute wounds. It’s wonderful to be within such a diverse group of caregivers.

Marie RiveraMD


I can offer independence and good quality of life to my patients with chronic wounds

Marianne GluvnaRN, BSN, WCC


It enables me to have evidence based practice behind my name,,encouraging all practioners to conform to a safe practice of wound care.  Extra training and the certification enable me to be a person of knowledge for my fellow coworkers and my patients..

Dawn StoneBSN, WCC


I am proud to be a WCC because when I am requested to provide a wound consult, it actually means that the letters behind my name represent hard work and evidence based practice in the recommendations that I provide. That I care about the safety and efficacy in the wound care provided to our patients to assist them in healing as quickly as they can.

Gail Olson-SmithPT, WCC, AHA CPR Instructor


As a Home Care PT: To be able to show my patients that even though I am a physical therapist, I have gained extra know on how to take care of their wounds. I flash the WCC pin on my name tag.

Kathy Jean WalterRN, WCC


I am proud to be a WCC because is puts me in a position of resource for my co-workers.  I am the go to person when a wound becomes complicated or a professional opinion/recommendation is needed by a co-worker.

Paula DyerRN WCC


Considered to be the person to assist my physicians with appropriate dressing selection for wounds.  My WCC has opened doors to me that otherwise would not have opened.  Rewarding to see patients actually have a better quality of life through wound care.

Valerie FultonNurse Practitioner


It helps to distinguish our certification from other  wound care providers” who are not certified. “

Mary DanielsRN WCCHaving that credential means I studied hard and am knowledgeable in my field. It’s the defining moment that I’ve crossed over the line and can now be considered an expert in wound care!
Gaye HarleyRN, BSN, WCCProud to be able to assist in healing patient’s wounds, preventing unnecessary hospital readmissions and helping to increase a patient’s quality of life.  WCC = We Can Cure!
Anahita RiveraWCCI am proud to be one of the few that can help educate and teach nurses proper wound healing techniques while helping heal our patients.
Renee Powell-MattaRN, WCCThe title gIves me a sense if confidence and it empowers me to give my all as I  share my wealth of knowledge and expertise in this field….
Olga CatarinoRNGave me a great opportunity to find my nitch in nursing. I’m a successful wound care nurse, love my job, and LOVE HEALING WOUNDS!!!
Charles KingRN, WCC, ADNS


I love being WCC because seeing the great outcomes, the happiness on the patients face with a healed wound and the better quality of life it provides them.  I also love sharing my knowledge with my team collaberating with the doc’s and various wound clinics my patients see.  It’s also great when i occompany my patients to the clinics and the wound specialists appreciate the great outcomes my team can produce.  After all, nursing is a ream sport!

Mumtaz DuymunRN WCC


I feel pride and respected when my colleagues be they RNs or PAs approach me for advice and assessment and evaluation of wounds. I feel empowered to make a difference in the treatment of our patients. I feel pride and joy to see the amelioration or remodeling of wounds taking place. Thank you WCC for the knowledge.

Jennifer SayasWCCI love the knowledge, respect and values that stem from having this prestigious certification.  Knowing I can share this knowledge and help others feel better one wound at a time makes me proud to be WCC.
Terri HarrisRN, WCC


I am a Hospice Nurse, I do wound consultation for palliative care. We do have patients who improve and come off Hospice and those who die on Hospice. Having a wound is traumatic and painful. Helping others to achieve their goal of comfort and possible healing at end of life is very rewarding.

Valerie DavidsonRN, WCC


Healing wounds is a science and a skill and a art. Completing WCC gave me the confidence and skill to provide the very best of care for my patients. This care is based on understanding how the body heals, evaluating and developing an individual and effective plan of care and making a difference in my patients lives.

Beth HeidemanRn MSN WCC DWC OMS


Being a WCC allows me to use all of my professional / personal knowledge to help a client regain their life and life quality who could ask for anything more

Lisa VickreyRN WCC


Validation of learning and knowledge base I have work hard to achieve

Maria del Carmen BaromaDPT, WCC, CPAHA


Being a WCC gives me the edge and confidence with what I do to be a part of improving the quality of life for my patients.

Jessica MayfieldRN-BC, WCC


I am proud to be wound care certified because it has taken by career to the next level. It has also, allowed my residents to have a higher quality of wound healing!

Jennifer GiwaARNP-C


I’m proud to be WCC because I am certified in wound care and people have confidence in me.

Angela StoneRN, WCC


I work with our nations veterans in a rural CBOC. To be WCC means that our nations veterans are able to receive top quality wound care close to home by someone who deeply honors and respects them.



I am proud to be a WCC, opening so many doors for me. It has allowed  me to be part of the team to effect change for the good, in our patents life. What a privilege, what a gift. I am so thankful, the field choose me.

Tammy CoplienBSN, RN, WCC


I am a Wound Care Consultant at the Veteran’s Hospital Outpatient Clinic and words cannot express how proud and honored I am to be able to serve and care for the men and women who served our country, to apply my wound care knowledge to help treat their wounds and educate on prevention to help improve the quality of their lives.

Jennifer  MarcelinWCC


WCC gives me the ability to provide up to date care and  information to my patients, and healthcare providers – which in turn gives me their trust. I am proud of my credentials.

LORI Miller




I am a director of a home health agency and can assist my staff in providing quality wound care to our patients

Chrsitian MillerRN, WCC


I enjoy being on the cutting edge of wound care.  Most of all, I take pride in celebrating the successes of healing patients!

Lora MillerRN, PTA, COS-C, WCC


It’s an honor to help educate patients, families, clinicians and physicians in the promotion of wound healing and prevention. It’s so rewarding to see a chronic wound finally close!!

Rebecca BrownLPTA, WCC


I love being able to be a resource for patients and physicians at my facility to optimize wound healing.  I also work in Physical Therapy and wound care allows visible healing that is not as easily noted with other aspects of my job.  Wound care always poses a challenge as no wound or patient are alike!!!!!!

pauline dickensLVN, SWOC,WCC.


I am proud to be WCC, it has expanded my knowledge on wounds and what type of dressing to use, I am now the wound care team supervisor thanks to my WCC.

Deidre YarbroughRN, WCC


Because I am able to work with the physicians and mid-level providers at my clinic to assist more of our patients to heal.  We are able to treat them in our clinic locally instead of referring them out to clinics farther away which places an added stress and burden on their already complex health care.

Kanchan  JindalMSN WCC


WCC has empowered me to be a credible source for wound care referrals, and I can speak about the wound intelligibly; providing my input that is valuable to my peers.

Andrea MillerPT, CLT, WCC


Having the WCC has given me the confidence to be an even stronger advocate for my patients.  I have the most up to date information to keep my practice up to date with the latest and most effective treatments.

Rebekah BarretteMS, RN, PCNS-BC, WCC


It helps me use evidence based care to prevent and treat skin injury in my patients and be an advocate for their needs.

Jacqueline ProbyLVN, WCC


Since I have become wound care certified it has opened up so many different career opportunities for me. Being apart of the organization has provided me with so much knowledge and understanding of being health care professional and it has raised my skill level as a wound nurse. EXCELLENT!!!!!

Regenia H. ButlerRN WCC DWC


I’m proud to be WCC DWC because knowledge is power.  The power is having the knowledge to prevent & heal wounds & share with your colleagues.  Therefore it all will be a success!!!

Frances AlfaroBSN, RN-C, WCC


I now have a skill set very few Army nurses earn during their career and I truly enjoy teaching my peers how to improve patient outcomes.

Marlyce CozartRN, WCC, RAC-CT


I am proud to be a member of such a valuable orgainization. I have gained the knowledge required to provide excellent wound care for not only the elders I help to care for but for others in the samll community I live in.

Dawn NimtzRN, BSN, WCC


I am proud to be WCC because I have gained a wealth of knowledge in regards to wound care.  Because of what I learned, our facility was able to show our state surveyors, that our facility knows their stuff” and avoided a citation!  I am honored to have the letters “WCC” after my name!”

Jennifer BrokawRN, WCC, OMS


I am proud to be a member of a national interdisciplinary team of highly skilled, specialized, certified wound care clinicians. I am proud to be WCC.

Alexander FeldsherRN WCCBecause we heal wounds!
cheryl zorgerRN, WCC


This validates my knowledge and experience.  To be a part of wound care as a certified RN is exciting, wound care is my passion.

Carla  MartinezCHRN WCC OMS


I am proud to be a WCC because it gives not only gives me the certification but confidence that I am doing the right thing for my patients. WCC stands for me: Wound Certified with Confidence.

KyLeigh Odom



I am proud to be a WCC because I have been able to help numerous clients and colleagues over the last 11 years. It has helped my credibility in the area of wound care with the physicians, nurses, and clients I interact with on a daily basis.

Michelle KennaBSN, RN, WCC


It has afforded me to affect significant change within my company over the last 9 years.  Which, ultimately has improved resident/patient outcomes.

Alice MannRN BSN WCC


I am proud to be WCC.  It has helped me to be credible to the physicians and nursing staff at the facility that I  work at.  It enables me to network with other WCC for wound care issues.  I have been able to help get a wound care program off the ground.  I am able to be a resource for best practice for the nursing staff at Thompson health.

Cassandra  KlemmRN WCC


I am proud to be a WCC because it means I have the wound knowledge that I need to be a credible wound care nurse.  Coworkers look to me for advice in how to treat wounds as they know that my knowledge base for wounds is extensive.  They are proud that I have accomplished this goal of mine and that it is put to good use on a daily basis.  I look forward to continuing to learn through the information I receive from the WCC.

Diana  NilandAPRN, FNP-C, WCC


I am proud to be WCC because it has allowed us to bring new wound care services to our area. Without the WCC,  we would not be able to provide the high quality specialized care that we are now able to offer! Proud to part of 20,000 STRONG!

Janet SteinhiserRN, WCC


Achieving the WCC status has widened my knowledge base.  This certification has given me a greater autonomy with the phyicians and prepared me to be more confident in accurately identifying a wider variety of pathologies related to the skin and wounds.  This certification has also prepared me to educate the staff; and to empower them to properly identify/report  skin and wound conditions.

Paula KibbeyRNWCC


Empowers me to try and make a positive difference at work

Nancy AlredRN


Being a WCC nurse gives me a standard of excellence to be the best nurse I can be. This certification sets me apart in my nursing experience.

Lisa  MerianRN, BSN, WCC, CFCN


I am so proud and blessed to be able assist people with their wounds or my peers in wound healing. It’s so satisfying to share the knowledge gained by this certification.

Summer HareRN,WCC


I love what I do everyday. The amount of respect I get from my supervisors is great. Best of all though my patients are confident that they are in good hands.

Russell DarrowRN, BS, MBA, WCC


Healing wounds…seen as go to person for wound related question by staff and MD’s

Carla WilkersonRN-BC, WCC,OMS


Healing  wounds. Seeing the wounds and the client heal. Educating nurses and seeing them fall in love with wound care. Educating families and seeing how proud they are when their love ones heal from the care they have given. Just knowing I made a different in their lives.

Amanda SavageRN WCC


I enjoy making a difference in healing wounds so that people can go back to enjoying their lives!

Jenny WimmerAPNP, FNP-C, WCC


Because I make a difference in the healing trajectory of my patients and I am able to educate others to do the same.

Alyson  IshiharaMSN, RN, WCC


I’ve healed wounds even other wound practitioners gave up on. You need to amputate,” they said. “Let’s treat this palliatively with betadine,” they said. NO! I healed it!”

Carmen SilverWCC


WCC proud, this title comes with an oath and obligation to give the best wound care I can for my patients with the best knowledge I can get from being WCC.

Stephanie De JesusM.D., WCC


I’m proud to share the latest evidence based interventions with my Team members, some of whom are fellow Physicians- they see me both as a peer and an influential voice of best practices.

Nadine BarkmanRN, BSN, WCC


I am proud of the knowledge I have gained and continue to gain as I strive to improve the wound care within my institution. I can count on my WCC support team to keep me current on wound care topics, assuring patient safety and timely wound healing. I am proud to be a part of the 20,000 WCC strong!



I became a Nurse to make a difference. I love what I do and am proud of the care I provide. Becoming WCC has given me more knowledge and skills to elevate the quality of my Nursing Care.

Debra BennettLPN WCC DWC


I am always proud to share my knowledge with other healthcare workers and enjoy educating patients and family members of the healing process. Proud to be a part of the NAWC since 2007

Trisha DuboisRN, WCC, OMS


My certification has earned me a new position in my home health agency, and now I have the flexibility opportunity to spend more time with patients, educate our staff and improve quality of care!

Angela Houston-SavageRN, BSN, WCC, CWCA, OMS,


The WCC was my first certification!!! The foundation I received is priceless along with the lifelong friends & mentors I have met. My WCC was a stepping stone to climb higher~ learn more~ do better & grow in an ever changing speciality. Forever grateful

Jennifer PettisBS, RN, WCC, chair NAWCO WCC Certification Board


I think it is very important that NAWCO’s WCC Certification Program is representative of the interdisciplinary nature of wound care in that it provides certification to various disciplines in healthcare. I have been proud to serve on NAWCO’s Certification Committee for several years, including as its Chair in recent years. NAWCO has a strong commitment to helping ensure patients across the continuum of care receive excellence in wound care. It is so exciting to be a part of NAWCO becoming 20,000+ strong!

Valerie Brooks-CampbellWCC


I became certified in 2008 and it has enhanced my skills, improve quality outcome for my patients and organizations where I have been an enployee.  My first job after certification gave me $12.5k wage increase and my next an additional $5.5k.  Due to the impressive work as a Wound Care Coordinator I was promoted to nurse manager.  I was even able to accommodate NAWC to conduct one day seminar in my hospital.  Although, I no longer work in that position, I feel a greater sense of urgency to know what is happening in my unit because now I am a director and has full accountability of the entire unit.  I am a proud WCC.

Kathleen Garner-TateMSN-Ed, RN, WCC


Proud to share my knowledge with both clients and Colleagues. My certification demonstrates my passion to the profession of nursing.

Cheryl HerrickRN, WCC


I am one of 2 ever WCC at our institution. My collateral” job has now become my full time position. Nurse Specialist Wound Care. I know I’m making a difference when I hear everyday from our population “She’s the one that healed my wound. You need to see her.” I get such a good feeling when I tell them “You don’t need to see me anymore”.”

Brenda CunnienRN BSN WCC


Being a wcc my colleagues including my medical director look to my expertise on hard to manage wounds. I also have my debridement certificate which enhances my ability to make the patient more comfortable when they are homebound unable to make it out to the wound center.

Jana  Budde-LangWCC, CFCN


Proud to provide holistic, encompassing, compassioned, and complete care to all my patients.

Cosmarie Cortes RiveraMD, WCC


There is no better feeling than helping patients when they are in need. Watching them smile when a wound is healed, makes me feel PROUD of what Im doing. Proud to be WCC.

Josephine GriderAPRN-BC,NP,WCC


As an owner of a Medicare certified home health care company it gives the ability to educate several health care providers on the proper assessment, documentation and treatment of different types of wounds. I am also more confident in questioning some of the physicians’ more outdated treatments and provide them with better alternatives.

Dee DashnerBSN, WCC, CLNC, LLE


Becoming a WCC was a very proud moment for me.   It shows I am able to provide evidenced based wound care suggestions to the providers I work with and the patients I care for.

Sabrita HopkinsRN


I feel that I am accepted more as a professional” wound care nurse. Very rewarding!”

Laura GiordanoRN, BSN, WCC


Wound Care Certification (WCC) recognizes knowledge and credibility in my field of outpatient wound care.  It gives me the confidence to work with physicians and patients.  It also enables me to be a trusted resource to my fellow nurses.

Jennifer HulseyRN, BSN, WCC, CPhT, GCDF


It has allowed me to gain recognition form my colleagues, as an expert in the field. It has lead me to promotions in the healthcare field and holding administrative duties (i.e. ADON and Nurse Coordinator of a Wound Healing Center).

Gary SummerfieldBSN, RN, WCC


I am proud to be part of a group of professionals that truly care about helping patients with chronic wounds get better.  We are 20,000 strong for one reason,  we are the BEST!!

Jessie PilfoldRN, BSN, MSN, WCC


I love the respect I get when I assess a wound- or suggest a treatment. I didn’t get that respect before

Amber MastersonBSN, RN, WCC


I love specializing in an area so often poorly served.  Helping heal wounds truly improves a patient’s quality of life.

Lisa MartinRN, WCC


Being a WCC puts me in an elite group.  I enjoy taking care of wounds.  I am proud to have accomplished this certification.

Lissette GrilloRN, BSN, WCC


It has been a gratifying credential that has opened many doors in the Wound Care Field.

Iola RadtkeRN BSN WCC


Patients who have wounds are so often shunned by society because of the drainage, odor, or disfigurement of the wound.  Helping them heal and overcome that obstacle is extremely rewarding and really makes me feel like I make a difference.

Kathleen  JordanRN WCC DWC


Since I became a WCC I have been able to advance my job in a acute care hospital to a Director level.