Recognizing An Outstanding WCC
Ms. Otamissiah (Missy) Moore BSN RN, WCC, DWC, CHPN
Missy Moore first obtained her WCC® in 2003, followed by her DWC® in 2016. She has served as
the President of the NAWCO Board of Directors since 2018. Missy has over 30 years of
experience in nursing and healthcare and is currently a Nurse Educator at BridgePoint
Healthcare. Missy also shares her passion for educa�ng nurses by providing con�nuing
educa�on and consulta�on through her company Nursing QI.
Missy is a strong advocate for the interna�onal nursing community. She is a 2022-2023 Global
Nursing Leadership Ins�tute™ Scholar. Missy was 1 of 30 nurses selected from around the world
to par�cipate in the program sponsored by the Interna�onal Council of Nurses. With her global
connec�ons, Missy is invested in helping the interna�onal healthcare community learn and
develop more modern techniques for wound care.
Throughout her career, Missy has received mul�ple na�onal awards for her contribu�ons to the
healthcare community. In 2017, she was named “Nurse of the Year” by the Na�onal Associa�on
of Licensed Prac�cal Nurses. In 2012 Missy was awarded the Lillian Kuster Award by the
Na�onal Associa�on of Licensed Prac�cal Nurses, “Nurse of the Year for Community Service” by
the Na�onal Black Nurses Associa�on, and “Black Nurse of the Year” by the Greater Washington
Black Nurses Associa�on.
NAWCO would like to say “Thank You” to Missy for the amazing work she has done as a nurse,
educator, and NAWCO creden�al holder. She is an outstanding clinician and teacher, and we are
honored that she is a part of the NAWCO family. Missy is a fantas�c representa�ve of NAWCO
and is a true testament to our philosophy that the clinician makes the creden�al.
If you know an outstanding NAWCO cer�fied clinician, like Missy, who deserves to be
celebrated, please take a moment to click HERE and tell us about them. We love to celebrate
outstanding clinicians!
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