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WCC® Preceptor Program


The WCC Preceptor Program is a pathway option for licensed, healthcare clinicians with less than the required wound care experience needed to become WCC Certified.

Clinicians planning on certifying using the Preceptor Pathway Option, must have been licensed for at least one year, must apply and be approved for this pathway before taking the course, and NAWCO® must be able to verify eligibility for the pathway before the course begins. Clinical and educational hours earned prior to approval will not be accepted.


The WCC Preceptor Program involves both the WCC candidate and their Preceptor. It is the candidate’s responsibility to secure a preceptor on their own.

Preceptor Requirements:

  1. Clinical wound care experience for two (2) years in the last five (5) years.
  2. Currently work in a wound care setting, that provides for sufficient clinical population and opportunities to provide hands on wound care skills and learning experiences to student. (Acute Care, Outpatient, and Long Term Care – Average of 6-10 patient visits per day. Home Health Care – Average of 3 – 6 patient visits per day)
  3. Wound care certified for at least one (1) year with one of the following credentials, (WCC®, CWCN®, CWON®, CWOCN®, or CWS®)
  4. Complete the WCC Preceptor application. The application and instructions are in the Preceptor Handbook.
  5. Introduce the candidate to all the wound care scenarios that pertain to the scope of the candidate’s specific license.
  6. Complete all forms and logs required by NAWCO.
  7. Note: A Subject Matter Expert (SME) may not be a preceptor within 2 years of service on an SME committee.


We highly recommend that a candidate secure a preceptor before taking a skin and wound management course.

To view the current directory of approved preceptors, click here. If there is not a Preceptor in your area, here are some ideas to assist you.

Tips for Locating a Preceptor:

If you work in a facility or agency with someone certified in wound care, check with them first.

Call local hospitals, wound clinics, wound centers, long-term care facilities, outpatient facilities, home care agencies, or anywhere there could be someone certified in wound care. Tell them you are looking for a certified wound care clinician to precept you for 120 clinical hours of wound care.

  • They must be certified for at least one (1) year with one of the following credentials: WCC®, CWS® or CWON®, CWOCN®, CWCN®.
  • They must be working in a wound care setting that provides for sufficient clinical population and opportunities to provide hands on wound care skills and learning experiences to student.
  • The facility must allow someone that is not an employee to be precepted by the employed clinician if they will be a public preceptor.

You can also use the LOCATE A CERTIFIED CLINICIAN feature located at the bottom of the home page to assist you with contacting someone in your area.

Once you find a preceptor, they need to apply. (Application in the Preceptor Handbook) Your Preceptor must be approved by NAWCO before you can begin. Any hours completed prior to Preceptor approval will not be counted. Hours completed prior to completion of the required course will not be counted. Before you begin training, it is a good idea to check with NAWCO to ensure that a Preceptor who has recently applied has been approved.

Refer to the WCC PRECEPTOR HANDBOOK for complete details.

Complete the Preceptor Pathway with exam online application.

Preceptor handbook


PRECEPTOR DIRECTORY UPDATED 10/20/2024- click on the map

*NOTE: The Preceptor directory is a list of approved public preceptors. These clinicians have given NAWCO® permission to publish their information to assist you.